الثلاثاء، 13 أغسطس 2013

Dry Washer

Dry Washer Hi Vac Complete System

Save with this perfect match for efficiency and portability. Our powerful HVC gas powered dry vacuum system paired with our the 140 drywasher. The HVC runs all day on just one gallon of gasoline and can literally vacuum and clean gold deposits from cracks, crevices and moss. The 140 Drywasher is easy to assemble, requiring no tools. Adjustable oscillating vibrator. Dual action riffle design for any gravel conditions. Large feed hopper holds up to 2 1/2 gallon capacity. Adjustable flow gate controls flow of material over riffles. Achieve excellent gold recovery with electrostatic charge and our oscillating vibration.
This combo package comes with all the accessories to start a dry washing operation. Comes with 8 feet of 3 inch hose and clamps to complete the system.
Net Weight: 35lbs.


Rock Crusher

Trailer Mounted Rock Crusher

Nothing could be more convenient then our RC46 Rock Crusher trailer mounted for the ultimate in transportation ease. The same great RC 46 Rock Crusher, just more convenience for you


recovery equipment

Super Concentrator


The new Super Concentrator is finally available after 3 years of development and over 25 prototypes, Keene Engineering has developed the perfect concentrator riffle. Experience fine gold recovery never before achieved with a sluice box.

This is a professional clean up tool, everything is constructed of quality parts and built to last. The first Hungarian riffle (Miracle Mat) molded into a rubber mat and built into a portable concentrator sluice measuring 44 inches long by 8 inches wide with built in header box, plumbed with an adjustable flow valve to meter water flow and separate spray nozzle for clean up.
Equipped with adjustable brackets, two 5 gallon buckets and a 12 volt 1100 GPH pump.
Operates for 8 hours on a typical automobile battery. Battery not included. Capacity 100 lbs. per hour
Net Weighs 25 lbs

Spiral Concentrator

A New Professional 25 inch gold wheel that produces unparalleled performance in both speed and fine gold recovery. Recover ultra fine gold better than anything you have ever seen before. This amazing recovery is due to its soft rubber spiral wheel that has an extremely cupped sharp edge riffle. Experience precise and smooth speed control with its long life replaceable geared bearings spiral wheel. Equipped with electrical back panel with speed control, plug in battery, pump terminals and on/off switch. Another unique feature is the metered gold tube that easily screws into the back of the wheel to remove values and a black sand collection funnel to collect a first run of concentrates. The water flow tube has metered water jets for precise flow. Set up by inserting three stainless steel legs and connect a 12 v battery and your ready to witness the most advanced recovery spiral system on the market today.
Includes 750 gallon per hour 12 volt pump, wash down hose and nozzle, filter sieve and a solid recovery pan.
Capacity up to 400 lbs. per hour.

NOTE: 5 gallon bucket & battery not included due to costly shipping fees.
Net Weighs 28 lbs.

Vibrostatic Dry Washer

High velocity air passes through the concentrator creating an electrostatic charge to attract gold and other metalliferous values. The hot air from the engine is ducted into the radial blower, preheating the air and concentrator to 50 degrees above ambient making it possibble to process a higher capacity of material and increases the electrostatic charge. An adjustable oscillation system creates increased vibration and air flow at lower engine speeds which increases fine gold production, especially in damp ground conditions. Equipped with an extra large hopper for greater capacity while steeper sides prevent material build up. The folding frame makes this model a dream for quick and easy set up


Rather then haul material to the water, you can bring a lightweight, efficient power sluice to the source. The power sluice can process and recover values from remote placer deposits hundreds of feet away from the water source.
The hopper design washes gravel, clay and debris with a high pressure washing spray bar and all washed material then is classified to minus 1/2 inch in size for selective recovery. The spray bar is equipped with a water valve for ease of controlling the flow into the sluice box. A garden hose port on the manifold can be used for cleaning cracks and crevices in the bedrock and assist in cleaning the sluice box tray.
The recovery tray “sluice box” is constructed with heavy duty latches, rolled top edges and a hopper adjustment system. The recovery system features ribbed black rubber matting for quick visual identification of values, Hungarian riffles over miners moss for fine gold recovery and expanded metal over ribbed matting for final separation. Equipped with an adjustable independent leg support system that enables the power sluice to be assembled on any type of terrain in a matter of minutes
The Power Sluice Combinations
Keene has combined the popular power sluice and portable dredge to create an entirely efficient recovery system that can be used in most any situation. This versatile machine can be equipped with a suction hose for dredging. The sluice box works extremely well for dredging because the material is pre-classified before entering the recovery tray. Combination units are ideally suited for shallow water areas. The Model 175 series can also be equipped with an air compressor for diving

Specialty Power Sluices and Combo Dredges For Gold and Gem Recovery
Keene Engineering designs and manufactures a variety of special purpose dredges and power sluices for a variety of applications, including gold and gemstone exploration

Oregon Pioneer 30

The Oregon Pioneer 30 will process 15-30 yards per hour depending on the material 
Featuring variable fine speed tuning you are able to establish an even material flow which
will enable the unit to adapt to any type of material while maintaining a recovery rate of
85-90%.  It is also industrially built which will allow for years of operation with proper

Oregon Pioneer 30 Specifications
  •  13HP OHC w/ Electric Start Engine w/ Double Hydraulic Pump

  •  65 gallon Hydraulic Fluid Reservoir

  •  8' Discharge Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller

  •  8' Main Feed Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller

  • 8' Grizzly Over sized Discharge Conveyor w/ Self Cleaning Return Roller

  •  3" Spacing on Hopper Grizzly

  • Positive Chain Drive

  •  48" x 96" Trommel Drum w/ High Tensile Trommel Screen w/ 3/8" openings

  • 2" Nugget Trap

  • 7' Long x 2" Spray Bar

  • 24" x 8' Oscillating Sluice

  • 2" Auxiliary Port for Sluice

  • 1 - 1/2" Spray Bar for Material Chute

  • 3" Intake on Water Manifold

  •  4 Flow Controls (Trommel, Feed, Oscillator & Discharge)

  •  Sealed Centric Locking Pillow Block Bearings

  •  4 Hydraulic Stabilizing Jacks

  • Hydraulic Filter

  • Trailer Lights w/ Break-away Switch

  •  Adjustable Tongue Height

  • Clean up Water Supply Connect w/ Valve

  • Tandem Axle w/ Electric Brakes on Leading Axle

  • Easy Lube Axle w/ Joined Equalizers

  • ST205-75-R15BC Tires

  • Hydraulic Tilt Grizzly

  • 30 Yard Per Hour Capacity

  • Formed Channel Frame Construction

  • 98" Wide x 96" High x 294" Long

  • 4,500#

African Model Concentrator

The African Model Gold Claimer also has a 2-8 yd/hr capacity, and is ideal for testing gold
values or for small production operations.  It’s performance is unequalled to any in its field. The
major difference between the Gold Claimer and the African Model is that the African does not
have the water tank or de-watering screw.

Efficiency is a key ingredient!  The hopper has an adjustable water valve to slurry the material
prior to entering the trommel.  Lifters tumble the material as it enters the trommel to break it up.
A spray bar with its own adjustable water valve goes the length of the trommel.  Next, the
material approaches the 3/8” holes where anything under 3/8” gets washed down onto the
oscillating sluice, and larger material works its way to the end of the trommel.  A nugget trap will
catch any heavies and the lighter material will go out the tail cone to the rock chute and discard
tray.  The oscillating sluice has settings for stationary, short, & long strokes and is capable of 1-
15 pulses per minute.  The removable sluice has artificial turf, riffles mounted on expanded metal
& 4 toggles to secure it into place.

The simplicity of the African Model Gold Claimer makes it the leader in the field of small portable
placer equipment.  Industrially built, it is easy to maintain & powered by either an electric or
gasoline engine.  Either one uses the same motor mount which is easily removable by removing
the snap pin & sliding out the motor mount.  It was designed that way so you can easily take it
with you at the end of the day to cut down on theft.  One motor runs both the gear reducer &
water pump using a B-Width belt.  The trommel is a positive chain drive.

The African Model is uniquely designed for its versatility!  The trommel itself can act like a rod
mill by placing two 30" 1 1/4 rod.  It will help break up clay if that is a problem where you are
operating.  You can also double your capacity by placing two Gold Claimers hopper to hopper
and adding a "splitter", then feeding both units with our
12' Feed Conveyor

African Model
Gold Claimer Specifications

  • Water feed valves for Trommel and Hopper feed control  

  • Revolving Scrubber and Trommel with positive chain drive  

  • Removable Oscillating Sluice (150 impulses/minute)  

  • Teel cast iron 3950 G.P.H. Water Pump

  • Suction Hose & Foot Valve  

  • Variable speed single belt drive for simplicity and reliability  

  • Sealed Steel Bearings

  • 6' Long x 2.5' Wide x 4' High

  • 550 Pounds

  • 2 to 8 cubic yards per hour Capacity  

  • Honda Engine

الاثنين، 12 أغسطس 2013

Gold Claimer Concentrator

The Gold Claimer Concentrator is self contained, and with its 2-8 yd/hr capacity, it is ideal for
testing gold values or for small production operations.  It’s performance is unequalled to any in
its field.  The unique water supply and reclamation unit allows operation where water is not

Efficiency is a key ingredient!  The hopper has an adjustable water valve to slurry the material
prior to entering the trommel.  Lifters tumble the material as it enters the trommel to break it up.
A spray bar with its own adjustable water valve goes the length of the trommel.  Next, the
material approaches the 3/8” holes where anything under 3/8” gets washed down onto the
oscillating sluice, and larger material works its way to the end of the trommel.  A nugget trap will
catch any heavies and the lighter material will go out the tail cone to the rock chute and discard
tray.  The oscillating sluice has settings for stationary, short, & long strokes and is capable of 1-
15 pulses per minute.  The removable sluice has artificial turf, riffles mounted on expanded metal
& 4 toggles to secure it into place.  Any light material that gets washed off the sluice goes into
the de-watering screw.

The de-watering screw is the most efficient way to remove solids from water and recirculate the
water.  The auger is raised from the bottom which allows for a black sand trap & a second
recovery for the gold in case too much water flows over the sluice.  The de-watering screw has
an adjustable water valve located on the bottom to help the heavy material settle & lighter
material to auger out.  Waste material will auger out & discard at the end of the Gold Claimer.

Using the de-watering screw is the most efficient way to remove solids from the water &
recirculate it.  The auger is raised from the bottom allowing the black sands to trap & a second
recovery for gold in case of too much water over the sluice.  The adjustable water valve located
on the bottom helps the heavy material too settle & lighter material to auger out.  Waste material
augers out and discards at the end of the Gold Claimer.  When plenty of water is available & you
don’t need to recirculate the water, remove the de-watering screw by removing 2 bolts and the
drive shaft.  The only change needed is to remove the intake hose off the pump and place a
longer hose with a foot valve in your water source.

The unique design of the Gold Claimer makes the clean up process easy!  At the end of the day
(or sooner if needed), disengage the clutch or shut off motor.  At the hopper end of the unit,
slide the sluice out of its cradle by the handle.  Put it over a tub, lift the 4 toggles & slide the
riffles & artificial turf out to be washed.  Reinstall the carpet and riffles, slide the unit back into
the sluice cradle & start the operation once again.  Another option is to have a second complete
sluice ready.

The Gold Claimer recirculates approximately 100 gallons of water .  You may need to add a little
water due to evaporation and the wetness of the waste material.  Drain plugs are in both the
water tank and the de-watering screw.

The simplicity of the Gold Claimer makes it the leader in the field of small portable placer
equipment.  Industrially built, it is easy to maintain & powered by either an electric or gasoline
engine.  Either one uses the same motor mount which is easily removable by removing the snap
pin & sliding out the motor mount.  It was designed that way so you can easily take it with you at
the end of the day to cut down on theft.  One motor runs both the gear reducer & water pump
using a B-Width belt.  The trommel is a positive chain drive.

The Gold Claimer is uniquely designed for its versatility!  The trommel itself can act like a rod mill
by placing two 30" 1 1/4 rod.  It will help break up clay if that is a problem where you are
operating.  You can also double your capacity by placing two Gold Claimers hopper to hopper
and adding a "splitter", then feeding both units with our
12' Feed Conveyor

Gold Claimer Specifications

Water feed valves for Trommel and Hopper feed control  

Revolving Scrubber and Trommel with positive chain drive  

Removable Oscillating Sluice (150 impulses/minute)  

Teel cast iron 3950 G.P.H. Water Pump  

Variable speed single belt drive for simplicity and reliability  

100 gallon capacity reserve water storage tank  

Auger style De-watering Screw  

13 GA Steel construction made for industrial use  

Sealed Steel Bearings

8'L x 5'6"W x 4'6"H @ 850 lbs.

Capacity 2 to 8 cubic yards per hour  

Trailer mounted with lights, fenders and 4.80 wheels

Honda Engine